First Cut Lab launches a record number of 6 new labs
Culminating in a most successful year, First Cut Lab is launching today a record number of 6 First Cut Labs at once for workshops that will take place in early 2023. A few facts & figures for 2022: 50 films workshopped in the frame of 16 Labs 47 films...
First Cut Lab launched in Asia
Following the recent announcement of the multiplication of local workshops in Europe and a second hub at the Karlovy Vary FF, First Cut Lab proudly announces additional new partnerships in the Philippines and Indonesia, which will see FCL workshops taking place...
New FCL workshops at Karlovy Vary IFF and in Ukraine and Kosovo!
First Cut Lab is expanding its scope drastically in 2019. First launched in 2015 at Trieste’s When East Meets West by Matthieu Darras, Alessandro Gropplero and Alex Traila, the program has entered new partnerships that will see more workshops taking place in Europe;...
Selected projects and full list of advisers FCL Trieste 2019
With great enthusiasm we can now reveal the selection for First Cut Lab Trieste that will take place next week during When East Meets West! We received a record number of applications this year, 38 projects from 20 different countries, which made it a difficult task...
First advisers FCL Trieste 2019 confirmed
We are happy to have the confirmations of the first advisers for FCL Trieste 2019. A total of 9 advisers will be invited for the upcoming First Cut Lab edition during WEMW, 3 for each selected project. We are expecting more confirmations in the coming days, but for...
Call for FCL Trieste 2019 now open!
The FCL and When East Meets West coproduction platform teams are happy to launch the call for entries for the upcoming edition of First Cut Lab, taking place in Trieste next January 20-22,2019. FCL is a programme designed for 3 long feature fiction films in editing...
International success for Core of the World and Summer Survivors
In the run up to making another selection of promising projects in post-production for FCL 2019 it's exciting to see how well last years' crop is doing. Both Core of the World and Summer Survivors are going strong internationally. Core of the World by Nataliia...