Simple Things by Grzegorz Zariczny – Participated in First Cut Lab Poland 2019 & in First Cut+ Trieste 2020
First Cut Lab Poland 2021 was a programme designed for 2 or 3 long feature films in editing phase from Poland, with the financial support of the Polish Film Institute. This year’s workshop took place in Wrocław during 21. New Horizons International Film Festival in the frame of the industry event Polish Days.
The selected teams (director/producer/editor) were offered a creative framework, both benevolent & challenging, where to open up new perspectives and to explore the whole artistic potential of their films.
They screened their rough cut in a private session, and received expert feedbacks from three international film industry advisors, as well as tailor-made advice from consultant editors. The discussions are moderated by Editorial Consultant & Director of First Cut Lab Matthieu Darras.
Advisers chosen were:
Charles Bin (France) – Sales Agent for Best Frient Forever
Javier Garcia Puerto (Tarragona / Estonia) – Director for Festival REC & Film Programmer for Tallinn Black Nights IFF
Marie-Pierre Vallé (France) – Sales Agent for Wild Bunch
Consultant editor from First Cut Lab chosen were:
Catalin Cristutiu (Romania)
Once the workshop was over, the participants received a report & a roadmap that can serve as guidance for further editing. Eventually, the ambition of First Cut Lab is to enhance the audience opportunities of the films.