First Cut Lab Belgium was a consultancy program designed for feature films in editing phase from Belgium – at least one from Flanders & at least one from Wallonie-Bruxelles.
The selected teams (director/producer/editor) were offered a creative framework, both benevolent & challenging, where to open up new perspectives and to explore the whole artistic potential of their films.
They screened their rough cut in a private session, and received expert feedbacks from three international film industry advisors, as well as tailor-made advice from consultant editors. The discussions are moderated by First Cut Lab Director Matthieu Darras.
Advisers chosen were:
Rémi Bonhomme (France/Morocco) – Artistic Director for Marrakech Film Festival & Director for Atlas Workshops
Hanka Kastelicová (Czech Republic) – VP & Executive Producer of Documentaries for HBO Europe
Suzy Gillett (United Kingdom – Morocco) – Teacher at ESAV Marrakech & Barbican Center / iFeature Lab Producer
Stefan Ivančić (Serbia) – Director, producer & programmer
Naomi Levari (Israel/Germany) – Producer for Black Sheep Film Productions & ELECTRIC SHEEP GmbH
Natalia Libet (Ukraine) – Producer for ESSE Production House
Consultant editors from First Cut Lab chosen were:
Alexander Nanau (Germany/Romania)
Benjamin Mirguet (France)
Matthieu Taponier (France – United Stated)
Once the workshop was over, the participants received a report & a roadmap that can serve as guidance for further editing. Eventually, the ambition of First Cut Lab is to enhance the audience opportunities of the films.
The Lab took place online, and each film will be workshopped within the period from 15. January 2021 to 30. June 2021. The program is made in collaboration and with the final support of the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds and the Centre du cinema of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.