First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2020

First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2020

from The Staffroom by Sonja Tarokić – First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2019 FIRST CUT LAB RE-ACT Spring 2020 First Cut Lab RE-ACT was a programme designed for 2 long feature fiction films in editing phase from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Serbia and...
First Cut Lab Balkans

First Cut Lab Balkans

from Andromeda Galaxy by More Raça – First Cut Lab Kosovo 2019 FIRST CUT LAB BALKANS 2020 First Cut Lab Balkans was a programme designed for 3 long feature fiction films in editing phase from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia. Selected producer/director...
First Cut Lab Poland 2020

First Cut Lab Poland 2020

from The Getaway King by Mateusz Rakowicz FIRST CUT LAB POLAND 2020 First Cut Lab Poland was a programme designed for 2 long feature fiction films in editing phase from Poland, supported by the Polish Film Institute. Selected producer/director teams screened their...
First Cut Lab Lithuania 2020

First Cut Lab Lithuania 2020

FIRST CUT LAB LITHUANIA 2020 First Cut Lab Lithuania was a programme designed for 3 feature fiction films in editing phase from Lithuania and Estonia.  Selected producer/director teams screened their full rough cut in a private session and received expert feedback on...
First Cut Lab Trieste 2020

First Cut Lab Trieste 2020

FIRST CUT LAB TRIESTE 2020 First Cut Lab Trieste was a programme designed for up to 3 long feature fiction films in editing phase from the 2020 WEMW spotlight territories: Hungary, Moldova, Romania & Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Selected...