First Cut Lab expands activities into Belgium and Switzerland

Nov 9, 2020

Trying times for the film industry continue, but the First Cut Lab team is determined to keep supporting filmmakers & their films. We can now unveil partnerships in Belgium and Switzerland, offering tailor-made Labs that adapt both to the specific needs of each film and the current working environment.

First Cut Lab Belgium

The first edition of First Cut Lab Belgium will enable at least two Belgian films, previously supported either by VAF (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds) or by the Centre du cinéma of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, to benefit from consultancy program.

Projects interested will have to apply by December, 15th, and will be able to participate in the Lab anytime during the first semester 2021. Find the call HERE.

First Cut Lab Belgium is supported by VAF and Centre du Cinéma of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

First Cut Lab Switzerland

The first edition of First Cut Lab Switzerland will take place at the Solothurn Film Festival, within its new program section dedicated to the filmmaking process called “A l’atelier”, organized with the support of the Migros Culture Percentage’s Story Lab. At least two Swiss films will be workshopped during the period of the festival, whose 56th edition will take place on the following dates: 20.-27. January 2021.

Deadline for applications is also set for December, 15th 2020. Find the call HERE.

First Cut Lab Switzerland will involve multi-awarded editors Agniezka Glinska from Poland (Sweat – Cannes 2020; I Never Cry – San Sebastian 2020) and Catalin Cristutiu from Romania (Uppercase Print – Berlinale 2020; Ivana The Terrible – Locarno 2019) as editor consultants. Gaia Furrer, artistic director of Venice sidebar ‘Giornate degli Autori’, will be amongst the industry advisors.



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