Merhaba to First Cut Lab Istanbul advisers

Two projects from Turkey have been selected for the second edition of First Cut Lab Istanbul, which will be workshopped as part of the Bosphorus Film Lab at the end of this month. Industry advisers who will give their input to the film teams on their rough cuts are:
Vanessa Ciszewski – Producer at Katuh Studio (Germany)
Carmen Gray – Film Critic and Programmer (New Zealand / UK)
Natacha Seweryn – Programmer at FIFIB (France)
Sarah Chazelle – CEO at The Party Film Sales (France)
Maria Drandaki – Producer at Homemade Films (Greece)
Each film will be assisted by one of our great consultant editors: Benjamin Mirguet, and Jacques Comets who will be returning this year for the Istanbul workshop.
First Cut Lab Istanbul is part of the Bosphorus Film Lab of the Bosphorus Film Festival 2020.